Compensation In Your Premises Liability Claim

Many people injured on the property of others do not know where to begin when seeking damages for their financial losses. Should they sue the property owner or the business operator? It’s important to contact an experienced premises liability attorney if you have been hurt on someone else’s property. The law can be complex, and the parties involved will likely seek to clear themselves of any blame.

Adequate premises liability lawsuit settlements require negotiating with one or several insurance companies. In making sure that you recover the compensation you need, a skilled attorney will have to work with your doctors to understand your injuries. Many property injuries require months or even years of medical attention and therapy. You may be unable to return to work or school for a long time, and your family might be in a very difficult financial position due to your accident.

Our injury attorneys understand how to apply Illinois law to your case. If we are unable to negotiate an acceptable settlement, we will use our decades of courtroom experience to obtain the damages you deserve at trial.

After suffering a premises liability injury, we can help you recover compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical and therapy needs
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earnings due to disability
  • Training for new professional skills required due to your injuries
  • Pain and emotional suffering
  • Required modifications to your home or vehicle

Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Can Help

Being suddenly injured is a terrible experience. Your pain can be immense, and you may need extensive medical attention. Every part of your life can be impacted, and you may not be able to go to work for a long time. It’s important to call a veteran premises liability attorney if you are hurt while on someone else’s property. Illinois premises liability statute of limitations requires claims to be filed within two years, or risk being dismissed. While there are exceptions to this rule, we encourage you to call your attorney as soon as possible. Investigating every detail of your accident is essential to recovering the financial help you need, but this can take time.

Let Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. review your injuries, consult with experts, and investigate your accident. From there, we’ll deal with the insurance companies, your doctors, and will make sure everything possible is being done to get you what you deserve. Do not hesitate to call a knowledgeable and compassionate lawyer.

Contact Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. if you or a loved one have been injured due to someone else’s careless or negligent actions. Call us today at (217) 528-9955 or complete our online form to set up a free, initial consultation. There are no up-front fees, and we are not paid unless you recover compensation.